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Strona poświęcona zespołowi Guns N' Roses, znajdziesz na niej prawie wszystko co dotyczy zespołu - newsy, informacje...
Intro - (Clowns 3D - Music by Slash)
You're a Lie - (Slash, Apocalyptic Love)
Nightrain - (Guns N' Roses, Appetite For Destruction)
Standing in the Sun- (Slash, Apocalyptic Love)
Ghost - (Slash, Slash)
Back from Cali - (Slash, Slash)
Wicked Stone - (Slash, World On Fire)
Too Far Gone - (Slash, World On Fire)
Double Talkin' Jive - (Guns N' Roses, Use Your Illusion I)
You Could Be Mine - (Guns N' Roses, Use Your Illusion II)
Doctor Alibi - (Slash, Slash) [Todd Kerns na wokalu]
You're Crazy - (Guns N' Roses, Appetite For Destruction) [Todd Kerns na wokalu]
The Dissident - (Slash, World On Fire)
Beneath the Savage Sun - (Slash, World On Fire)
Rocket Queen - (Guns N' Roses, Appetite For Destruction)
Bent to Fly - (Slash, World On Fire)
World On Fire - (Slash, World On Fire)
Anastasia - (Slash, Apocalyptic Love)
Sweet Child O' Mine - (Guns N' Roses, Appetite For Destruction)
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